# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Produced by the kitchen, it must be a boutique! This barbecue material really restores the taste of domestic street barbecue to the greatest extent. It is really delicious to cry. Don't run out of stock! There are two sets of seasonings in one box, each set includes red oil + barbecue ingredients + tinfoil box + gloves, which is easy to operate. I personally think that the lamb chops and kebabs are the most delicious with this barbecue ingredient. Stock up series! !
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 下厨房出品,必是精品! 这款烧烤料真的是最大限度还原了国内街边烧烤的味道,真的好吃到哭泣,千万不要断货啊啊啊!一盒里面有两套调料,每套包括红油+烧烤料+锡纸盒+手套,操作方便。我个人觉得用这个烧烤料烤羊排和羊肉串是最最最好吃的,香掉下巴,好吃到根本停不下来。有货必囤系列!!