# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # I use it as a side dish in the grilled fish. I rinse it gently with water, stir fry it with spicy ingredients, and grill it with the fish. The texture is crisp and delicious, and there is no strange taste. Quite a lot, a pack of 400 grams, just right to make a dish.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 與美袋裝清水藕片,我拿它來做烤魚裡的配菜,先用水輕輕沖洗過,翻炒之後用麻辣的料與魚一起烤,質地清脆好吃沒有奇怪的味道,份量也蠻多的,一包有400克,做一份菜品剛好。