# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # I like to eat plums and hawthorns, which are slightly sweet and sour snacks. I have bought many kinds of Nongfu Shanzhuang, and I like them very much. They are all sweet and sour and very appetizing. I also like this green and ecological selection of nine-system dried tangerine peel. The dried tangerine peel has the effect of relieving cough, reducing phlegm and promoting body fluids and appetizers.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 我喜欢吃梅子啊山楂啊这种略酸甜的零食,买过好多种农夫山庄家的各种,都很喜欢,都是酸酸甜甜非常开胃的。这个绿色生态精选九制陈皮也是非常喜欢的,陈皮本来就有些止咳化痰生津开胃的功效,没事含几片,又好吃又有药效,一举两得!