# 2022年中大促囤货指南 ## 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 新年大家一起旺旺旺 # Snacks in childhood memories, do you also have Want Want cookies? Among the many items, my favorite is the little angel! I call him little angel every time, but his name is Langweixian~ This song comes to mind: Ouch ooh 🌟The taste is sweet, with the unique flavor of potato products, The taste is crispy and makes people want to bite after bite~ It is sprinkled with green nori powder and has a light aroma. See # 亞米 #Yes, hurry up and buy it~~ It's as delicious as it was when I was a kid~
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 ## 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 新年大家一起旺旺旺 # 童年回憶中的零食,你也有旺旺的餅乾嗎? 眾多品項中,我最喜歡的就是小天使啦! 我每次都叫他小天使,其實名字是浪味仙~ 腦海中會想起這首歌: 哎唷哎唷哎唷唷~浪味仙歌~ 讓我快樂似神仙 🌟口味甜甜的,有馬鈴薯製品特有的風味, 口感酥脆,讓人想一口接著一口~ 上面撒有綠色的海苔粉,帶著淡淡的香氣。 看到# 亞米 #有,趕快就買來吃~~ 果然跟小時候一樣的美味可口~