The domestic bluetooth headset is also very good-looking! This bluetooth headset from Yamibuy's third-party mall Jiayou is a bargain! China Direct Mail True Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 Headphones, Sports Touch Mini, Very Good! The brand name is Baseus, the company is located in Shenzhen I like listening to music, but I have been using wired earphones before, this bluetooth earphone from Yamijiayo is my first pair of wireless earphones, so I like it very much. Reasons for liking: Small and cute, easy to carry Cheap $29.99 There are 6 soft ear loops of different sizes to protect the delicate skin of the ear, The box is magnetic, with the feeling of a jewelry box Comes with cute stickers, Easy operation, motion touch Wait… have to be aware of is: When wearing it, pay attention to the direction. Be sure to wear it in the direction shown in Figure 2 on the back of the package, so that the card will be particularly firm. In addition to white, there are other colors that are very beautiful. The color selection is like the color of macarons. Because I like it, I may repurchase other colors in the future. # 2022年中大促囤货指南 # # 更多好选择 #
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国货蓝牙耳机也是颜值很高哦!这款来自亚米第三方商城佳优的蓝牙耳机,平价好物! 中国直邮真无线蓝牙5.0耳机,运动触摸迷你,非常好!品牌名是倍思,公司在深圳 我喜欢听音乐,但是之前一直用的有线耳机,这个来自亚米佳优的蓝牙耳机是我第一副无线耳机,所以很喜欢。 喜欢的原因有: 小巧可爱,携带方便 价格便宜$29.99 有6个不同大小软耳圈保护耳部娇嫩肌肤, 盒子磁吸式,有首饰盒的感觉 附带可爱贴纸, 操作简易,运动触摸式 等… 需要注意的是: 佩戴的时候注意方向,一定要按照包装背面就是图2里面那个方向戴才会卡得特别牢固。 除了白色,还有其他颜色都挺好看,各种选色就像马卡龙的色彩,因为喜欢,以后可能还会回购其他颜色 # 2022年中大促囤货指南 # # 更多好选择 #