# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # As a girl with a big stomach, I really love it. It is definitely not possible to use it as a meal replacement powder, but it is definitely a good choice for snacks. 0 flavors, 0 pigments, 0 sweeteners are in line with the concept of healthy eating; Low-calorie, high-fiber, and high-protein make it a gap with many non-nutritious meal replacement powders; the original sweetness of the food makes it very comfortable to eat, and the former shell powder simulates the texture, taste and texture of porridge well There are layers, making people feel like eating a bowl of delicious purple potato, red dates and raisin porridge, but the calories are far lower than porridge. Wugumofang high-fiber konjac meal replacement powder ensures low calorie and balanced nutrition, while taking into account the taste and taste. It is really hard not to love it. Repurchase index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (stock one box when in stock, N boxes at discount)
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 身为一枚大胃女孩,真的是爱了,虽然对于我来说并不能代餐(吃完两小时就饿了,大胃伤不起),但是作为加餐粉还是很不错的,饿了来一包,不会有负罪感。 0香精,0色素,0甜味剂,吃起来也没什么怪味,认真讲味道还不错,贴合现在健康减脂的理念;低热量,高纤维,高蛋白,不容易便秘;车前壳子粉很好的模拟了粥的口感,味道和口感都比较有层次,让人感觉就是在吃一碗味道还不错的紫薯红枣葡萄干粥,当然热量和碳水比真正的粥要低。 保证低卡,均衡营养,兼顾口感和味道,总体来讲作为一款低卡食品还是不错的,但是作为代餐可能只适合胃口小的人群 回购指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟 有一说一 大家减肥不要指望代餐粉啊喂,它只是辅助,还是遵循说起来容易做起来难的那6字方针➡️ 管好嘴,迈开腿!!! 希望看到这篇的姐妹都能瘦到理想体重,塑成自己爱的身形,一起加油吧⛽