# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The bread of Le Kum Kee has never stepped on the thunder. Generally, which one is in stock, the little baby at home also loves it. Sometimes there is no baby who likes to eat when going out. Put a Le Kum Kee bread in the backpack 🍞 with fruit and Yogurt can solve a baby's meal in minutes. This butter-infused bread is soft and buttery. It tastes slightly sweet and not greasy, but when I give it to the baby, I will eat the butter and give it to him. , it is better for children to eat less of this fat.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 乐锦记的面包就没有踩雷的,一般是哪款有货囤哪个,家里的小娃娃也爱,有时出门在外没有宝宝爱吃的,背包里塞一个乐锦记的面包🍞配上水果和酸奶分分钟解决宝宝一餐,这款黄油注心面包,面包松软,黄油注心一点点,吃起来微甜,也不腻,不过给宝宝吃的时候我会把注心黄油吃掉再给他,小孩子还是少吃这种油脂比较好。