# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Wugu Mill Yiyuan Bazhen Powder is made into small packages and brewed with hot water every time you want to drink it. It is very convenient and nutritious for breakfast. The ingredients in it are sesame, yam, oat, red bean, walnut, red date, dried apple, and wolfberry. The ingredients are rich and the flavor is particularly good.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 五谷磨坊益元八珍粉,做成小包裝,每次要喝直接拿熱水沖泡,當早餐很方便又營養。裡面的成分有芝麻、山藥、燕麥、紅豆、核桃、紅棗、蘋果干、枸杞,料多豐富,風味特別好。