# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Vietnamese Safoco Egg Noodles, a large pack of 500g but very light in the hand, because the dough is very thin and loose, it is delicious after cooking, there is no egg smell or noodle soda taste. It is especially suitable for adding ingredients when the amount of boiled noodles is not enough.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 越南Safoco雞蛋麵,一大包500g但是拿在手上很輕盈,因為麵體做的很細很疏鬆,煮了之後挺好吃的,沒有蛋腥味或麵鹼味。特別適合煮泡麵量不夠時用來加料。