# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The love for this Shaqima can be said to be consistent, I don't remember how many years I bought it, anyway, the brown sugar flavor is sweet and delicious! The texture of sachima is soft and dense, and the brown sugar is sweet but not excessive, so it will not be too sticky to the teeth, and each piece is large and can be eaten for a long time.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 對這款沙琪瑪的愛可以說是始終如一,不記得買他家有多少年了,反正黑糖味的就是甜蜜好吃!沙琪瑪的質地鬆軟綿密,黑糖香甜但不會過量,因此不會過分的黏牙,一大包每塊個頭都很大可以吃蠻久的。