# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # How do you all eat sauerkraut? Is it eaten directly or processed into other foods? In our family, we like to mix evenly with pickled vegetables, ground beef, chopped green onion, and various seasonings. It is delicious to make dumplings and buns. This pickled vegetable is relatively salty, so pay attention to the proportion of other salty seasonings when making the filling.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 雪菜大家都怎麼吃?直接食用還是會加工一下做成別的食品?我們家喜歡用雪菜跟牛絞肉、蔥花,還有各種調味料攪拌均勻,拿來包餃子做包子都好吃。這個雪菜比較鹹,做餡料的時候要注意其他鹹的調味料用量比例。