# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Jixiangju Kelp Shreds, this spicy seaweed shreds is thin, soft in texture and strong in spiciness. It is a bit too salty and spicy to eat directly, but it is delicious when cooked in a spicy soup. You can add other vegetables and meat to it. ok 👌
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 吉香居海帶絲,這款麻辣海帶絲是細細的,質地偏軟,辣度挺強,直接吃有點太鹹太辣,但是煮到麻辣湯裡很好吃,自己配點其他蔬菜跟肉挺好的👌