# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Master Kong has been drinking from a young age to a big brand. Although he knows that the taste of beverages is quite artificial, sometimes he misses his childhood. How can I say it, not compared with fresh, this is still acceptable to drink, sour and sweet, can taste the lemon flavor, and then it is recommended to drink it after ice.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 康師傅從小喝到大的品牌,雖然知道飲料類味道都挺人工的,有時候就想懷念一下兒時。怎麼說呢,不跟新鮮的比,這個喝起來還是可以接受的,又酸又甜,能嚐到檸檬味,然後就是建議冰過再喝。