# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # If it weren't for YAMI, I really didn't know that HEYTEA produced sparkling water. In addition to the Kyoho grape flavor, there are also sea salt, lychee, white peach, and pineapple passion fruit. I bought lychee and white peach, and I will share them with you when I receive them! The packaging of HEYTEA is also simple, which makes people unconsciously think of the vitality forest. Speaking of the vitality forest, it really makes people love and hate it. It is really refreshing to drink, but every time I see the content of carbs on the back, I get scared. , so when I got HEYTEA, I quickly looked at the ingredient list, the carbohydrate content was only 3️⃣ grams‼ ️This is amazing, I finally found a real 0️⃣sugar, 0️⃣calorie, and low-carb sparkling water The taste of Kyoho grapes is similar to that of Yuanqi Forest summer black grapes, but the sweetness is lower, the aroma of the grapes is stronger, and the amount of bubbles is not as large as that of Yuanqi Forest, but it is quite refreshing to drink after refrigerating or adding ice, especially with Hot pot and hot and sour noodles, summer in Texas has come, and sparkling water should be stocked up!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 要不是 YAMI 亚米 我还真不知道喜茶出了气泡水,除了巨峰葡萄味还有海盐、荔枝、白桃、菠萝百香果,我买了荔枝和白桃,等收到来给大家分享! 喜茶的包装也走简约风,让人不自觉就想起了元气森林,说起元气森林真是让人又爱又恨,喝起来是真的爽,但每次看到背面碳水的含量就打怵,所以拿到喜茶我赶紧先看了一下成分表,碳水含量只有3️⃣克‼️这个太赞了,终于找到一款真正的0️⃣糖0️⃣卡,并且低碳水的气泡水 巨峰葡萄味的口感和元气森林夏黑葡萄的有点像,但甜度更低,葡萄的香气更浓,气泡量没有元气森林那么大,不过冷藏或加冰之后喝也是蛮爽的,尤其是配火锅和酸辣粉,德州的夏天已经来了,气泡水要囤起来啦!