# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # I'm really too lazy to cook when I go to work. It's really necessary to stock up on a lot of fast food! I like to stock up and miss Chongqing noodles. It is really delicious and full! 2 servings of noodles, I was so hungry that I ate both, which is the advantage of buying this kind of double noodles! Usually two people can eat it. If I want to be fuller and more enjoyable, I cook two packets of noodles and put them in four packets of seasoning. It is really satisfying! The key is that the taste is really good, the sesame and chili oil is very fragrant, the dried peas are very crisp, the noodles are spicy and tendon, the taste of old Chongqing is not covered, it is worth stocking up!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 上班就真的懒得做饭,囤货很多速食是真的必须的!很喜欢囤货想念重庆小面,确实非常好吃还饱腹!2人份的面,饿极了我就两份都吃了,这就是买这种一式两份面的好处!平时两个人也能够吃了,想吃饱一点,吃过瘾一点,就把两包面都煮了四包调料都放进去,那真是一个满足!关键是味道真的好,芝麻辣油很香,干豌豆很脆,面香辣筋道,老重庆的味道不是盖的,值得囤货!