# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # This soba has a thicker taste and a stronger taste, which may be related to its high dietary fiber content. I personally think it is a high-quality staple food suitable for people who control sugar and those who need to lose weight. There are some things I want to explain, soba noodles are not a diet food. If you eat too much, you will gain weight. Compared with ordinary noodles, it will be found that the calories and carbohydrates are almost the same. The reason why it can be used as a high-quality staple food for people who control sugar and lose weight is because it is a low-sugar food with high dietary fiber content. Strong sense. Under the premise that the taste of coarse grains is acceptable, it is a good choice to replace ordinary dried noodles with soba noodles. Personally, I recommend cold soba noodles, as it feels more suitable for its taste.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 这款荞麦面口感较粗,吃起来比较劲道,这可能和它膳食纤维含量高有关,我个人认为是适合作为控糖人群以及有减肥需求的人群的一种优质主食。 有些话想说明下,荞麦面不是减肥食品,吃多了一样会胖,如果你 和普通挂面对比会发现,热量,碳水几乎是一样的,它之所以可以作为控糖和减肥人群的优质主食,是因为它属于低生糖食物,膳食纤维含量高,食用时相对普通面条饱腹感强。 粗粮口感可以接受的前提下,将普通挂面换成荞麦面还是不错的选择的。荞麦面个人更推荐凉拌,感觉更能适应它的口感。