# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # I didn't expect there is such a cute version of byd, it says back to school hahaha. This bag of health supplies includes 10 children's masks, a jar of dry hands, and a pack of wet wipes. Everything is quite complete, can I leave the baby to school if I prepare this bag?
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 沒想到還有這麼可愛版的byd,上面寫著返校用哈哈哈。這一袋子健康用品,包含10個兒童口罩,一罐乾洗手,還有一包濕紙巾。東西挺齊全的,備好這包是不是可以把娃丟學校去了😂