# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # This egg roll seaweed crisp, the biscuits part is crispy and delicious, a little sweet, and the seaweed part will not be soft. But this little one is stuffy, I really can't taste what it is, and the amount of sandwich is too small. There are 12 separate egg rolls in a small jar, and the pink one is salted egg yolk.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 這個蛋捲海苔酥,餅乾部分香酥好吃有點甜,海苔部分也不會面面軟軟的。但是這一小個一口悶,真是吃不出是什麼口味,夾心的量太少了。一小罐有12個分開裝的蛋捲酥,粉紅色這款是鹹蛋黃味。