# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # On the other side of the red sweet potato, the mochi of Daoxiang Village was planted, A search: Yami also sells it. Each is individually packaged, It tastes clean and hygienic. I was attracted by the comments and bought the coconut milk flavored mochi, Delicious! Fragrant, soft and glutinous, so delicious! And it's not boring at all! ! I hope Yamido will list all kinds of food in Daoxiang Village.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 在红地瓜那边被种草了稻香村的麻薯, 一搜:亚米也有卖呢。 每一个都是独立包装的, 吃起来很干净卫生。 被评论吸引买了椰丝牛奶味的麻薯, 好好吃! 香香软软糯糯的太好吃了! 而且完全不腻!! 希望亚米多上架稻香村的各种美食。