# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Lean Zhen Shaqima, I have never tried the meringue-flavored, every time I see such a big bag, it is very enjoyable! It is probably the reason why I like to eat sachima. The elderly in my family also like to eat it. The first time I saw them eating snacks, the elderly were relatively light. Chima is still soft and delicious.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 精益珍沙琪玛,蛋酥味的还没吃过,每次看到这么一大包就很过瘾!酥软不粘牙这个估计是我喜欢吃沙琪玛的原因,家里老人也很喜欢吃,第一次看到他们吃零食,老人家较清淡,之前买的黑糖味,时不时看他们都会来一个.沙琪玛还是酥软的好吃.