# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # This limited edition Japanese FUJIYA muscadine soda is really delicious. The grape flavor is very fragrant, just like eating fresh grapes. I don’t know if this muscadine grape is a grape variety, but it is very special. It is more grape-like than ordinary grapes. It tastes fresh and refreshing, refreshing, and it is really delicious. It is not harmful to make such a delicious drink. Is it fun to open a bottle every day?
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 这个限定款的日本FUJIYA不二家麝香葡萄汽水真的太好喝了吧,葡萄味特别香浓,就好像在吃着新鲜的葡萄一样,也不知道这个麝香葡萄是不是葡萄的品种,总之很特别,就是比一般的葡萄,更有葡萄味的感觉。喝起来清新爽口,沁人心脾,真的非常好喝,弄出这么好喝的饮料,这不是害人,天天就想着开上一瓶过过瘾吗?