# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # It is really a super delicious passion fruit sparkling water, which is worthy of being endorsed by my idol. The passion fruit taste is rich and fresh, it has a lot of bubbles, and it is not too sweet. It is really refreshing to drink it on ice! It's really suitable for DIY some good-looking and delicious drinks in summer!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 真的是超级好喝的百香果味趣泡气泡水,不愧是我的偶像代言的,百香果味浓郁清新,喝起来气泡很足,也不会很甜,冰一下真的喝起来特别清爽!夏天用来DIY一些颜值高口味好的饮料真是太合适了!