# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Ever since I found out that the bears sold by Yami came to New Orleans, the marinade for grilled wings is very useful. My family has never stopped. Every time it is grilled chicken wings, grilled chicken legs, or grilled chicken breasts, I use this marinade. Just wash it and sprinkle it on. Marinate this marinade for one night and bake it in the air fryer the next day, and it will be full of color and flavor, so the family has been stocking up on this honey and spicy flavor for a long time. The honey flavor is really super sweet and delicious!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 自从发现亚米卖的小熊驾到 新奥尔良烤翅腌料太好用了以后,我家就没断过,每次不管是烤鸡翅烤鸡腿,还是烤鸡胸肉,都用这个腌料,只要洗干净撒上这个腌料腌一个晚上第二天空气炸锅烤出来,那就一个色香味俱全啊,所以家里长期囤货这个蜜汁味和辣味,蜜汁味的真的超级香甜美味!