# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # It is really popular to eat konjac and konjac now! For people who want to lose weight and lose fat, it is really a very suitable meal replacement food. It is low in calories, full of appetite, and delicious! Yamitun's Youle Island Chia Seed Mixed Berry Konjac Jelly is delicious and has a good taste. Chia seeds can also fill the stomach and feel full, but it's a pity that there are only 6 jelly in a bag, which is not enough to eat!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 现在真的好流行吃蒟蒻啊魔芋啊!对于瘦身减脂的人,真的是非常合适的代餐食品,既低卡又饱腹,还很好吃!亚米囤的有乐岛奇亚籽混合莓蒟蒻果冻,挺好吃的,口感很好,奇亚籽也是能填肚子又饱腹感,就是可惜一袋只有6个果冻太不够吃啦!