# 油茶 # # 兆辉 油茶 # # 牛骨髓油茶 #油茶的第三天,牛骨髓油茶,也是每包里有十小包,这款是咸的,看配料表是添加了牛骨髓油,怪不得在冲泡的时候油味较It is strong, but this oil has a strong smell, and it is estimated to be beef bone marrow oil. Because I went to work early today, I took it to the office to wash it. The boiling water is also warm. I didn't expect it to be so smooth when I washed it out. I'm so afraid I can't run! I really like the nuts in it, especially the sesame seeds and melon seeds, and the ingredients are full. Breakfast is very important. No matter how busy or tired you are, you have to eat it. If you don’t have time to make it, choose 油茶, it’s simple, time-saving, delicious and nutritious! 连吃了几天,我觉得我最爱还是红枣甜油茶-中老年油茶-牛骨髓油茶,这几天我还真是早晚一小包! Some time ago, I ate sesame and walnut powder, it was a bit sweet, but it just came again
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# 油茶 # # 兆辉 油茶 # # 牛骨髓油茶 #油茶的第三天,牛骨髓油茶,也是每包里有十小包,这款是咸的,看配料表是添加了牛骨髓油,怪不得在冲泡的时候油味较浓,但是这款油味较重估计是牛骨髓油,因为今天上早班,带去办公地方冲的,开水也是保温的,没想到冲出来还是那么顺滑,加分!真怕冲不开!太喜欢里面的坚果了,特别是芝麻和瓜籽,而且料很足. 早餐很重要,真的再忙再累都要吃,如果没时间做,选油茶吧,简单省时好吃又营养! 连吃了几天,我觉得我最爱还是红枣甜油茶-中老年油茶-牛骨髓油茶,这几天我还真是早晚一小包!前段时间吃芝麻核桃粉,有点甜,刚好又来了油茶可以换着吃,正所谓可盐可甜哈,和我一样没试过油茶的,可以试一试说不定你也会喜欢.