Speaking of 油茶, I always have a feeling of homesickness, because in my memory, there are large and small 油茶 restaurants on the side of the road in my hometown. Although I don't go there often, but after I haven't been back for a few years, I can't help but want them to awaken the flavors in my memory when I see Yami's new ones. 油茶 is not a mixture of oil and tea in a literal sense, but a kind of paste food that has nothing to do with tea. 油茶 is rich in nutrients, and the steaming heat can enhance appetite, dispel cold and keep warm. 油茶 is a traditional folk food in my country and a specialty of the northwest region. It uses high-quality wheat flour and sorghum noodles as raw materials, mainly stir-frying the flour, then adding butter or five kernels and other ingredients, and also adding natural whole grains And a variety of nuts, boiled into a paste, served last night for breakfast or dinner. The entrance is soft and smooth, and the aroma is long aftertaste. I feel that 油茶 is similar to southern black sesame paste, plum qi lotus root starch, but the taste is very different. The preparation method is a bit similar to lotus root starch, but it is simpler than lotus root starch, because 油茶 does not need to be boiled with cold water first, nor does it need to be brewed with fresh boiled water that has just boiled at 100°C. It should be brewed directly with water above 95°C. There is no problem, the key is to stir while brewing, and the thickness should be adjusted according to your own preferences. 油茶 [Defuxiang Babaoxian 油茶] Shaanxi The Defuxiang brand is a Shaanxi brand with green packaging. There are 10 individual packets in it. The small packaging is also green and has a sense of design. [Zhaohui Babaotian 油茶] Shanxi The golden package is a Shanxi brand. This sweet 油茶 is thinner when it's hot, but thickens when it's cold. As shown in the picture, when it's hot and when it's cooled, it shows two different states. I feel sweet. 油茶 The taste of the paste is somewhat similar. They are all sweet whole grain paste. The sweet 油茶 is more delicate and smooth, and there are a few pieces of nuts in it. You can add raisins or red dates and wolfberry to eat with them, which is more nutritious. [Zhaohui beef bone marrow salty 油茶] Shanxi This 油茶 is the thickest one, probably because it has butter ingredients, and it can taste a more obvious butter flavor, the three flavors are compared, it is particularly obvious, the taste difference is still quite big . De Fuxiang's 油茶 is lighter in color than Zhaohui's 油茶, you can see the comparison in the picture. All taste delicious! 📣重要提示:如果你是油茶新手,以前从没吃过油茶,又想尝试一下的话,我建议先从甜油茶入手,甜油茶是比较类似于黑芝麻糊的甜口味,大众接受度更高。 If you are a veteran of 油茶, and you used to love 油茶, then you can directly enter various flavors. I think the restoration of these models is quite high. Recommended to 油茶 lovers, find the taste of hometown here! # 油茶 # # 新品尝试 # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # # 新品测评 # # 新品 #
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说起油茶,我总有一种思乡的感觉,因为记忆中家乡的路边上有大大小小的油茶馆子,里面人来人往。虽然我不常光顾,但几年没回去的我,看见亚米上新了各种油茶,就忍不住想让它们唤醒我记忆中的味道。 油茶不是字面理解的油和茶水的混合,而是完全和茶叶无关的一种养身养胃的糊状食品。油茶营养丰富,热气腾腾的有增强食欲,驱寒保暖等功效。 油茶是我国民间的一种传统食物,是西北地区的特产,选用优质小麦粉和高粱面为原料,主要是将面粉炒熟,然后加入牛油或放入五仁等配料,还添加了天然五谷杂粮和多种坚果,熬成糊状,作为早餐或晚餐食用。入口软绵顺滑,香气回味悠长。 我感觉油茶和黑芝麻糊,李子柒藕粉这些糊状食品有些类似,但味道却大不同。调制方法和藕粉有点像,但比藕粉更简单,因为油茶不需先用冷水化开,也不需用100℃刚烧开的鲜开水冲调,差不多用95℃以上的水直接冲调应该都没问题,关键是要边冲边搅拌,浓稠程度根据自己喜好酌情处理,喜欢稠的味道重的就少加水,喜欢稀的清淡一点就多加水。 下面分别测评3种口味的油茶 【德富祥八宝咸油茶】陕西 德富祥是陕西品牌,绿色包装,里面有10小袋独立包装,小包装也是绿色,而且画面比较有设计感。味道方面,如果冲调得比较稠,那么第一口可能会感到太咸,这时候就需要再添加一些水搅拌,搅拌到不是太稠,这时候咸度也合适了。咸油茶比较神奇的是,多吃几口以后会觉得比第一口更好吃,因为香气会回味悠长,属于耐吃型,越吃越香。 【兆辉八宝甜油茶】山西 金色包装的兆辉是山西品牌,这款甜油茶是这3种里最稀的一款,在热的时候比较稀,冷了以后会变稠一些,如图所示,热的时候和冷却以后,呈现两种不同的稠度状态。因为这款甜油茶比另外两款咸油茶更稀,在加同样份量水的情况下,所以说这款甜油茶冲调的时候不能加太多水,不然就成汤了。我感觉甜油茶和黑芝麻糊味道有那么点类似,都是甜味的五谷杂粮糊。甜油茶不仅细腻顺滑,里面还有少许坚果碎,自己可以另外添加葡萄干或者红枣枸杞(这些亚米也都有)配着吃,更营养。 【兆辉牛骨髓咸油茶】山西 这款油茶搅拌出来是最浓稠的一款,可能是因为有牛油的成分,所以凝固度更高,而且能品尝出比较明显的牛油味,三款口味对比着吃,味道区别还是蛮大的。这款牛骨髓咸油茶和第一款德富祥咸油茶有同样的咸度口感,重口味可以调得稠一点,喜欢清淡的要多加些水调清淡一些不会那么咸。另外那个德富祥牌也有牛骨髓咸油茶,下次有机会再试一试看同是牛骨髓咸油茶两个品牌有什么区别。 总体来说,德富祥的油茶颜色比兆辉的油茶颜色浅,可以看图中对比。味道都挺好吃!这两个牌子还有几款其他口味的油茶还没试过,可能也都不错吧。 📣重要提示:如果你是油茶新手,以前从没吃过油茶,又想尝试一下的话,我建议先从甜油茶入手,甜油茶是比较类似于黑芝麻糊的甜口味,大众接受度更高。如果你是油茶老手,以前就爱油茶的话,可以考虑直接入各种味道了,这几款的还原度我觉得还是蛮高的。推荐给油茶爱好者们,找到家乡的味道就是这里啦!同时也推荐给没吃过油茶,但是喜欢吃黑芝麻糊和藕粉的朋友们,也许油茶这种传统食物会成为你们养生的新宠。 # 油茶 # # 新品尝试 # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # # 新品测评 # # 新品 #