# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # Dalian Shuiyifang Laowei Mooncake (Red Date) 1 piece into 85g Chinese souvenir. I couldn't find the red date flavor, so I put the tag on the gift box. It was dry outside, not soft and wet, but neither was it a win. It's the kind of moon cake I grabbed at a domestic supermarket for two or three yuan. Less oil, light bite (cost saving) version of mooncakes. I don't know what to add to the jujube paste in it, and it will be a little sticky and pulled up after biting it... Fortunately, it is not too sweet, not delicious, not unpleasant, but not recommended.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 大连水一方老味月饼 (红枣) 1枚入 85克中国特色伴手礼。搜不出来红枣味,我就把tag挂礼盒上了。外面挺干的,并不柔软潮湿,但是也不赢。是我在国内超市随手抓的那种两三块钱的月饼的感觉了。油量少,轻口(节省成本)版本月饼。里面的枣泥不知道加了什么东西,咬一还会有点黏黏的往上扯……好在也不会太甜,不算好吃,不算难吃,只是不推荐。