# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # Compared with moon cakes, I actually prefer to eat egg yolk cakes, because the egg yolks in the egg yolk cakes are so fragrant. The egg yolk cakes with red bean fillings are not as sweet as the lotus paste fillings in moon cakes, and are more suitable for friends who need to reduce fat. Moreover, the price of egg yolk crisps is also more affordable. It is not distressing to eat two or three at a time. I recommend everyone to buy one or two egg yolk crisps and try them during the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is really delicious.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 相比于月饼,我其实更爱吃蛋黄酥,因为蛋黄酥里面的蛋黄实在是太香了红豆馅的蛋黄酥,我个人觉得没有月饼的莲蓉馅那么甜,更适合需要减脂的朋友,而且蛋黄酥的价格也更实惠一次性吃掉两三个一点都不心疼推荐大家中秋节都买一两个蛋黄酥尝一尝,真是太好吃了。