# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # I repurchased the mooncakes from Daoxiang Village again🥮! The Beijing-style mooncakes I bought before are out of stock, so sad😢! So this time I changed to the Soviet-style bean paste mooncake. This is also delicious, but Beijing-style mooncakes are my childhood memories! Now I see that it has been offline🥹, won't it be replenished before the Mid-Autumn Festival? Do not do this….
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 又又回购稻香村的月饼🥮啦! 之前买的京式月饼断货了,好伤心😢!所以这次换了苏式的豆沙月饼。这个也好好吃,不过京式月饼才是我小时候的回忆!现在看见已经下线了🥹,难道中秋节之前不会再补货了吗?不要呀….