#AddictiveAsianSnack# #摸着良心来种草啦 ##如7而至 ##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationc47cfa a117a544dd9076a8c09798bf20# Red bean, barley and gorgon tea has become a must-have in my workplace. I have always been a person with a lot of moisture. If I didn’t wash my hair a day ago, my hair would be very oily, and my face had always been acne-prone and oily. Later, my colleague recommended 方家铺子 red bean, barley, and gorgon tea. She said that she was in the same situation as me before. After drinking this tea for more than half a year, she has improved a lot, so she wanted me to try it too. Following his advice, I bought a lot and put it in the office. This has become a must for me in the workplace. prepare. 方家铺子 Red bean, barley and Euryale gorgon tea is indeed effective in removing dampness, I recommend everyone to try it! Buy one box at a time, share with colleagues, and drink slowly!
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# AddictiveAsianSnack # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 如7而至 # # 方家铺子 # 红豆薏米芡实茶,成为了我的职场必备。 我一直都是一个湿气很重的人,之前一天不洗头,头发就会出油的严重,脸上也一直都长痘出油,后来我同事给我推荐了方家铺子红豆薏米芡实茶,她说她之前和我的情况差不多,喝了半年多这个茶她已经改善了很多,所以她想让我也试试,听他的建议我买了很多放在办公室,这也成为了我的职场必备。 方家铺子红豆薏米芡实茶确实祛湿效果很明显,推荐大家试试!一次买了一箱,和同事分享,慢慢喝!