# 养生美食种草 # # 是时候养生啦! # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation63f8b7 c314c64bdd9df90c8f7c1b11de # # 如7而至 # Before I bought this pear cream, I hadn't tried this kind of product, but I know the effect of pear, which is very helpful for pharyngitis and cough. But alone, picking a few kilograms of good pears to cook slowly, I really don't have the patience and time. I happened to see #方家铺子 #雪果油, and learned that it is a time-honored brand. I think products from such a brand will make Chinese people feel at ease. So I bought a box, and when I got it, I found that it was boiled into a paste. The ingredients are only pears, rock sugar and water. The simplest things are the most useful. Open the cover and unseal, you can smell the refreshing fragrance, take a sip, and the sweetness will enter your throat and heart. After brewing it with warm water and drinking it, the throat that had been uncomfortable for a long time was relieved a lot. Really good product experience! Will buy again when sick. No, usually you should buy more to drink, fundamentally prevent minor ailments 🌟
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# 养生美食种草 # # 是时候养生啦! # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # # 如7而至 # 在买这个雪梨膏之前,我没吃过这类产品,但我知道雪梨的作用,对咽炎、咳嗽很有帮助。 但是孤身在外,挑几斤好的雪梨慢火细熬,实在没有那个耐心和时间。偶然看到# 方家铺子 #雪梨膏,了解到是老字号,我觉得这样的品牌出来的产品,会让国人感到安心吧。 于是买了一盒,到手后发现是熬煮成膏汁,看配料只有雪梨、冰糖和水,最简单的东西最有用。开盖启封就能闻到沁神的香味,试尝一口,甜味润进嗓间心底。用温水冲泡开喝下之后,难受许久的咽喉一下子缓和不少。 真是不错的产品体验!在生病时会再次购买的。不对,平时就应该多买一些来喝,从根本上防患小恙🌟