# 养生 # # 方家铺子 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation9932e67d 5ddd4019bb82f4bf7ef77c02 # # 健康食品 # I have had poor immunity since I was a child, and I catch colds easily, runny nose or cough every day. Every time the doctor prescribes medicine for me, he says that my immunity is too weak, and I dare not prescribe too much medicine. Parents say that medicine can cure the disease but not the root cause, and the most important thing is to take good care of the body. They heard from the older generation that there is a kind of nourishing ointment called orange ointment, which is very difficult and complicated to prepare. But it is helpful for people who are weak and sick since childhood and have low immunity. But I couldn’t find this kind of product in the surrounding area. I didn’t expect to find it in Yami, 方家铺子 Orange Cream. I bought a box, and I couldn't wait to soak it in warm water after I got it. After drinking it, there was a faint fragrance in my mouth. I relaxed my mind and body. I believe this is a product that is very beneficial to the body.
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# 养生 # # 方家铺子 # # 亚米好物 # # 健康食品 # 我从小免疫力比较差,很容易感冒,日常流鼻涕或者咳嗽。医生每次给我开药都说我免疫力太差了,药的分量也不敢开太多,毕竟是药三分毒,老是吃药也不是事。 爸妈说药治病但不治本,还是要把身体调养好才是最重要的。他们听老一辈人说,有种滋膏叫桔红膏,炮制非常困难,工序复杂。但是对从小体弱多病,免疫力低下的人是有帮助的。 可是周边也找不到这类产品,没想到在亚米找到了,方家铺子桔红膏。买了一盒,到手后迫不及待的在温开水里泡开,喝到嘴里是淡淡的清香,精神放松了,身体也放松了,我相信这是对身体大有脾益的产品。