#AddictiveAsianSnack ##摸着良心来种草啦 ##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation309dc88d6ebb40 c4ab09aa737a1f0664 # # 关于美食 # # 方家铺子 # I usually go to the supermarket to buy ingredients, and the most I buy are yuba and dried fungus. My family loves to eat yuba. The yuba is rich in protein and a variety of nutrients. It has high nutritional value and is easy to store. You can’t finish it at home. Not easy to break... But offline supermarket shopping is heavy and troublesome, so I turned to the Yami platform for purchasing. I bought several bean curd sticks at one time, among which the bean curd sticks from 🌟方家铺子🌟 taste the best, the soaking is not bad, and the taste is mellow~ In summer, the temperature is high, and everyone has no appetite. Soak a little bean curd sticks, boil the water for a minute after soaking, add shredded green onion, top with sauce, and eat it directly with cold salad, refreshing and full, it is simply the darling of the table~ Friends who like to eat yuba must not miss it, crazy Amway! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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# AddictiveAsianSnack # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 健康营养 # # 关于美食 # # 方家铺子 # 平时去超市买食材,买的最多的就是腐竹和干木耳,家里人非常爱吃腐竹,腐竹内含有丰富的蛋白质及多种营养成分,营养价值高,又易于保存,放在家里吃不完也不容易坏…… 但是线下超市买提着又重又麻烦,所以转战亚米平台采购。一次性买了好几家的腐竹,其中🌟方家铺子的腐竹🌟口感最好,泡发不烂,味道醇正~ 大夏天的,温度高,大家也都没什么胃口。泡一点腐竹,泡发后水开下锅煮一分钟捞出,加上葱丝、淋上料汁,直接凉拌吃,清爽又饱腹,简直是餐桌上的宠儿~ 喜欢吃腐竹的伙伴们一定不要错过,疯狂安利!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟