# 如7而至 # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # #方家铺子# # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # Happy order Happy life! # I am a person who attaches great importance to health and beauty. In addition to eating bird's nest and fish maw, I also taste light nourishing products such as peach gum and saponin rice. I really like to cook this kind of tonic by myself. I feel that the meaning of doing it by myself is different. I am willing to spend more time on my hobbies. I like to sit in the courtyard and enjoy the comfort of a slow fire. 方家铺子 has bought peach gum many times. I found that this brand is very careful in the selection of raw materials. Every time it is boiled, there are no impurities, so that you can enjoy the peach blossom tears without distraction.
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# 如7而至 # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # # 方家铺子 # # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # Happy order Happy life! # 我是个很重视养生养颜的人,除了经常吃燕窝和花胶以外,也会品尝桃胶、皂角米等轻滋补产品。我很喜欢自己去熬煮这类滋补品来食用,我觉得自己亲手做的意味不同,我愿意为自己的爱好花更多时间,我喜欢闲坐庭院,一炉慢火的惬意。 方家铺子的桃胶买过很多次,我发现这个品牌对于原料选品是很仔细的,每颗桃胶都均匀等一,色泽褐黄,晶莹剔透,就如别名“桃花泪”一般。每次熬煮开来,没有任何杂质,这样才能心无旁骛的享受桃花泪。