# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # In a month, it will be Mid-Autumn Festival Early in the morning, all kinds of moon cakes began to be bought. Are you like me I don’t really want to eat a lot of moon cakes, but I really want it🥮 to increase the sense of festival ritual If there is Then this Daoxiangcun mini mooncake is really suitable! ! ! 【U.S. Lowest Price】Daoxiangcun Egg Yolk Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake Mini Mooncake 350g【Now Available】 - Yami A pack of 350g but there are ten super cute mini mooncakes Each one is small and cute But although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs and each one is qualified 🥮 The first bite is the strong fragrance of lotus seed paste. The oil content and softness of the epidermis are just right~ Not to mention that there is a bit of salted egg yolk in each one The sweetness is just right, a little sweet, but not too sweet Small but really delicious mooncakes🥮 The only downside is that the amount of salted egg yolk is a bit small (But it's just such a big mini mooncake It is also impossible to expect him to have a whole salted egg yolk 😂) highly recommended to I don’t like moon cakes🥮 I want moon cakes as a ritual And the friends who like to eat moon cakes but worry about the weight control, fat and sugar
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 再过一个月就是中秋节了 早早的各类月饼都开始买起来了 有没有跟我一样 不是很想吃很多月饼 但又很想要🥮来增加过节仪式感的 如果有 那么这款稻香村的迷你小月饼真的再适合不过了!!! 【全美最低价】稻香村 蛋黄莲蓉月饼 迷你小月 350g【现售】 - 亚米 一包350g 但是 里面有十颗超可爱的人mini小月饼 每一颗都小小的 可可爱爱的 但麻雀虽小 五脏俱全 每一颗算是合格的🥮 第一口咬下去 就是浓浓香香的莲蓉味道 表皮的含油量以及软硬程度都刚刚好~ 更别提每一颗里都有一丢丢咸蛋黄 甜度也刚刚好 一丢丢甜香 但不会甜的齁得慌 个头不大 但真的是好吃的月饼🥮呢 唯一的缺点就是咸蛋黄的量有点少 (不过就这么大点的mini月饼 也不可能指望他有一整颗咸蛋黄😂) 强烈推荐给 不爱吃月饼🥮 又想要月饼做仪式感 以及喜欢吃月饼 又担心控制不好分量怕胖怕糖的小伙伴