# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # Evaluate 6 models of small size mooncakes under $10. ❤️Zhiweiguan Liuxin Custard Mooncake: Small, Liuxin is delicious, and the sweetness is not too much. And the egg yolk filling is evenly distributed! Recommended! ! ! 🖤 Yuantong Durian Mooncake The filling is good, but there is very little. The rest of the durian filling is like half a catty and eight taels of custard sauce made by myself in a pot... The noodles are quite unpalatable. 🖤Daoxiangcun Su's Red Bean Paste Mooncake I don't like the dry meringue at all... It's far from Chen Yun Baoquan. Red bean paste is ok... 🖤Daoxiangcun Su's Pretzel Mooncake It doesn't seem to have anything to do with salt and pepper, I just didn't get the taste of salt and pepper. I thought it was a salty moon cake, but recently, there are a lot of salty and sweet five-nut moon cakes. I, hate, Wu Ren! ! ! Dai Bin also finds it unpalatable.... 🖤Dalian Shuiyifang Mooncake (White Lotus Paste) It's stronger than the red dates. The filling of red dates is sticky. The box is really ugly 😵 It is quite dry, less oil, light mouth (cost saving) version of mooncakes. The sweetness is not too much. It is really not delicious for a few yuan in the Northeast supermarket, but you can get a moon cake for the festival. 🖤Dalian Shuiyifang Mooncake (White Lotus Paste) Dry, but not hard. It's the kind of moon cake I grabbed at a domestic supermarket for two or three yuan. Less oil, light bite (cost saving) version of mooncakes. I don't know what to add to the jujube paste in it, and it will be a little sticky and pulled up after biting it... Fortunately, it is not too sweet, not delicious, not unpleasant, but not worth recommending.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 评测一下6款10刀以内的那些小size月饼。❤️知味观 流心奶黄月饼:小小的,流心好吃,甜度也不过分。而且蛋黄馅分布的很均匀!值得推荐!!! 🖤元童 流心榴莲月饼 夹心挺好的不过很少,剩下的榴莲馅儿就像是我自己拿锅做的半斤八两卡仕达酱一样……面面的挺难吃的。 🖤稻香村苏氏红豆沙月饼 干巴巴的酥皮我一点也不喜欢…跟陈允宝泉差远了。红豆沙馅儿还行吧… 🖤稻香村苏氏椒盐月饼 跟椒盐好像没啥关系,我愣是没怎么吃出来椒盐感。本以为是咸口的月饼,到最近就是有一丢丢丢丢盐的甜口五仁月饼。我,讨厌,五仁!!!呆斌也觉得难吃…. 🖤大连水一方老味月饼 (白莲蓉) 比红枣那个强一点。红枣的馅儿有粘牙感。盒子真的很丑😵是挺干的,油量少,轻口(节省成本)版本月饼。甜度不过分,真就是东北超市里那种几块钱的也谈不上好吃,但是可以拿一块过过节的月饼。 🖤大连水一方老味月饼 (白莲蓉) 干,倒是也不硬。是我在国内超市随手抓的那种两三块钱的月饼的感觉了。油量少,轻口(节省成本)版本月饼。里面的枣泥不知道加了什么东西,咬一还会有点黏黏的往上扯……好在也不会太甜,不算好吃,不算难吃,只是不值得推荐。