# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # Chen Yunbaoquan Hundreds of millions of taels of meringue mooncake gift box 8 pieces. This seems to be the best mooncake I've eaten recently....I have eaten pastry mooncakes with salt and pepper and red bean paste from Daoxiangcun before. It's unpalatable....It made me scared when I saw the pastry. . I have seen the brand Chen Yunbaoquan many times, and they are all baked with egg yolks. I don't really like to eat egg yolks in China, so I never bought it. This is delicious. From this brand of grass! Although it is quite sweet...I have to drink it with green tea...but it is acceptable. 8 pieces for 20 yuan, each of which is not very big, it's just right to eat 1 piece. The meringue on the outside was not dry either, it was moist and layered. Although the bean paste filling is not the moist filling of Cantonese-style mooncakes, it is not dry at all? It is also slightly moist, and there are not many grape kernels added, which does not steal the show, but silently uses acidity to assist the whole filling, and the fusion is very good.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 陈允宝泉 亿万两酥皮月饼礼盒 8枚入。这好像是我最近吃到的✅最好吃的月饼....之前我吃过稻香村椒盐味和红豆沙的酥皮月饼,那叫一个难吃....导致我看到酥皮就害怕。陈允宝泉这个牌子我看到过好多次,都是晒蛋黄酥的。在国内我也不怎么喜欢吃蛋黄酥,所以从来没买过它家。 好好吃啊这个。从此种草这个牌子!虽然挺甜的吧.....我得配着绿茶喝……不过也在接受范围内。20块钱8个,每个又不是很大,真真是吃1个刚刚好。 外面的酥皮也不是干巴巴的,是湿润而有层次的。里面的豆沙馅儿虽然不是广式月饼的那种湿润的馅儿,但是一点也不干?也是微微湿润的,加的葡萄仁不多,不抢戏,但是默默用酸度辅助了整个内馅儿,融合的非常好。