# 0placeholder_FOR_ESAAY_TRANSLATION78C65EF85346DE930521AE133851C8 # 0placeholder_FOR_ESAAY_TRANSLEN8849416E3bb10e4a353735373535353535353535353535353535353535353535353537353735373537353735373537353735373537353735E4A35E4E3E3E3E3E3E3E93EE4EREHE EA6F7 # # 0Placeholder_FOR_ESAAAY_TRANSLATIONB396DAE5E0814860CB2E1C973A7ACB3 # 0placeholder_For_esaay_TranslationEf61ba2206459B9B6B6B6B 19bcaaae9591 # # 0Placeholder_FOR_ESAAY_TRANSLATIONEBC68027B847039755FC2F797334F7 # Today I will share with you a good health tea 方家铺子 Ginseng Longan Babao Tea, it surprised me very much. 方家铺子 is a time-honored national tonic brand, which is more trustworthy than ordinary brands. As the name suggests, Babao tea is a kind of tea composed of eight kinds of very healthy tea ingredients: ginseng, longan, red dates, wolfberry, polygonatum, lily, rose, and mulberry. The raw materials in the tea bag I have tested belong to Relatively complete, the slices are smooth and even, and it can be seen that they are sliced with complete tea ingredients, which can better ensure the nutritional value of eight-treasure tea. The taste is also very good, it has the taste of tea, but compared with the clearness of green tea, this tea will be more mellow~
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 年货好物种草指南 # # Happy order Happy life! # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 方家铺子 # 今天给大家分享一款养生好茶 方家铺子人参桂圆八宝茶,它让我非常惊喜。 方家铺子是国民滋补老字号,相比一般的牌子它更值得信任。 八宝茶顾名思义就是里面有八种很养生的茶料组合成的一种茶:人参、桂圆、红枣、枸杞、玉竹、百合、玫瑰、桑葚,里面的原料在我测评过的茶包里属于较为完整的,切片光滑均匀,一看就是用完整的茶料切片的,这样更能保证八宝茶的营养价值。 味道也很好,有茶的味道,但是相比绿茶那样的清冽,这款茶会更加醇香~