# 亚米虎年红包 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 我的囤货清单 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation646e7e ff638f43ec8efea7e1b6eafc73# There are many brands of red dates on the Internet. I think the quality is average. The red dates of the brand 方家铺子 are bought from Yamibuy. Let me share with you my eating experience: ☺️ Appearance and appearance: The jujube has full grains, uniform size, no impurities, and the quality is not inferior to other jujube brands. ☺️ Eating experience: Jujube has thin skin and thick flesh, it tastes very fresh, sweet and moist, the core inside is also small, the price is reasonable, and the quantity is plentiful. The jujube pulp is also very solid, not loose, which is great. ☺️Using experience: Whether this red date is used for soup or as a snack, it is very delicious. The soup is also very sweet and not bitter. Children especially like to eat it, the pulp is also very solid, it is very suitable for making soup, it will not rot, it is great. Generally speaking, this is a very delicious jujube, which is worth recommending.
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# 亚米虎年红包 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 我的囤货清单 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 方家铺子 # 网上有很多红枣的品牌,品质我觉得一般,方家铺子这个品牌的红枣,是在亚米买的,非常好吃,物美价廉、味纯正,目前一直吃这个牌子的枣。 给大家分享一下食用感受: ☺️外观颜值:红枣颗粒饱满,大小均匀,无杂质,品质不输其他红枣品牌。 ☺️食用感受:大枣皮薄肉厚,吃起来很新鲜,味道甜润,里面的核也很小,价格也公道,量很足。红枣果肉也很扎实,不会松松垮垮,非常棒。 ☺️使用体验:这款红枣不管是拿来煲汤还是拿来当零食一样吃,都非常好吃,煲汤也很鲜甜,不会苦。小孩子特别喜欢吃,果肉也很扎实,煲汤很适合,不会烂掉,棒棒的。 总的来说这是一款非常好吃的红枣,值得推荐。