#方家铺子 ##Sakura Season##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation26df7c 2213d24123aa76da1c07ea8843##我的囤货清单##晒出你的美丽心机 # This is a relatively good instant bird's nest that I have eaten. It has 43% solid content, and a spoonful of it is bird's nest. The bird's nest is rich in collagen and bird's nest acid. It is suitable for beauty-loving ladies and pregnant women to buy. I haven't eaten bird's nest before, and I recently found that my complexion is dull and I need to supplement it. I said it is better according to my efficacy. I saw the brand 方家铺子 on Yamibuy. After taking it for a month, I feel that the effect is not bad. So for women and men who love beauty, it is still worth recommending. Bird's nest is rich in active protein substances, and there are many nutrients and minerals. The most important thing is that the nutrients in bird's nest are easily absorbed by the body. For women, eating bird's nest can achieve the effect of beauty and beauty. Eat once every three days. It is not advisable to eat too much each time. It can be eaten continuously for more than three months. Infants and children can also enhance immunity by eating bird’s nest. We can put bird’s nest in porridge for babies to eat, but we must also pay attention The amount should not exceed two grams. Babies who are over four months old can eat it. For pregnant women, eating bird’s nest also has a good anti-fetal effect. We can eat it warm or eat it in porridge.
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# 方家铺子 # # Sakura Season # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 晒出你的美丽心机 # 这是我吃过的一款比较不错的即食燕窝,43%的固形物,舀一勺都是燕窝,燕窝含有丰富的胶原蛋白,燕窝酸,适合爱美女士和孕妇购买。 以前没有吃过燕窝,近期发现自己脸色暗淡,需要补补,说是按我功效好点,亚米上看到方家铺子的品牌,吃了一个月,感觉效果还行,最起码脸色好点了,所以对于爱美的女士和男士,还是很值得推荐的。 燕窝中含有丰富的活性蛋白物质,而且还有很多营养素和矿物质,最重要的是燕窝里面的营养成分很容易被人体吸收,对女性来说,吃燕窝可以达到美容养颜的功效,可以每两三天吃上一次,每次不宜食用太多,可以连续食用三个月以上,婴幼儿和儿童吃燕窝也可以增强免疫力,我们可以把燕窝放到粥里让宝宝们食用,但也要注意量,不宜超过两克。四个月以上宝宝才能食用,对于孕妇来说,吃燕窝也有很好的安胎作用,我们可以温热即食,也可以放到粥里食用。