# Summerskincare # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 亚米虎年红包 # # 我的囤货清单 # # Happy order Happy life! # Mulberry can be eaten and used as medicine, and has high nutritional value. Its juice is as thick as honey and sweet and delicious, and is known as "folk holy fruit". Mulberry plaster is a very nutritious plaster, which is carefully brewed from mulberry fruit. Mulberry ointment is slightly cold in nature. There are records of the effect of mulberry ointment in ancient medical books. Mulberry ointment has the functions of nourishing blood and black hair, soothing the mind and calming the soul. It is used as a rare health care ointment and has a large market. The value is loved by everyone.
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# Summerskincare # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 亚米虎年红包 # # 我的囤货清单 # # Happy order Happy life! # 桑椹既可以食用,又可以拿来入药,具有很高的营养价值。其汁浓如蜂蜜且香甜可口,被人们誉为“民间圣果”。 桑椹膏是一种非常有营养的膏药,它是经过桑椹果实的精心熬制而成的。 桑椹膏性微寒,在古代医学书籍当中都有对桑椹膏作用的记录,桑椹膏具有养血乌发、安神镇魂的作用,被用来作为不可多得的保健药膏,有很大的市场价值,深得大家的喜爱。