# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # The Mid-Autumn Festival is indispensable for all kinds of shortcakes. The hundreds of millions of mung bean convex mung bean fillings are sweet and milky. The skin is crispy and melts in the mouth. Before eating, put it in the oven and warm it up a little, the skin is softer and the taste is better.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 中秋佳节少不了各种酥饼,亿万两的绿豆凸绿豆馅料是那种清甜带奶香味的,表皮酥脆,入口即化,吃之前放烤箱稍微热一下,皮更酥软,口感更好哦