# 2022亚米开学季 # Although this salted egg yolk is not much, I think the amount is just right! Too much to eat. Can be used for cooking, such as salted egg eggplant sticks, salted eggs are scary. You can also make snacks🥧, such as: egg yolk crisp. After arriving overseas, every international student becomes a chef😁
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 这款咸蛋黄虽然不多,但是我觉得量刚刚好!太多反而吃不了。可以用来做菜,比如咸蛋茄条,咸蛋吓人。还可以做点心🥧,比如:蛋黄酥。到了海外以后每个留学生都变大厨😁