# 2022亚米开学季 # Spicy sesame skewers! One of the series that will be stocked as long as there is stock. It's just too slow to replenish! This is so delicious 😋! Really can't stop! Let me tell you quietly, after comparing the prices, the price of Yami is the lowest! Do not increase the price of linen after seeing it!
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 芝麻大辣串!只要有货必囤货系列之一。就是补货太慢了!这个太好吃😋啦!真的是停不下来!悄悄地告诉你,对比价格后,亚米价是最低的哦!亚麻看到后不要涨价哦!