# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # The second mooncake I bought this year is the Homecoming Zhuangyuan Cake from Yuanchu Foods. Originally planned to eat it on the day of the festival, but was seen by the baby, it must be opened immediately 😄 The packaging is a very festive red with the words "go home" printed on it. After opening, there is a card with a letter from home printed on it, and the atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival is instantly felt. The point is that this moon cake is super big, as big as a plate at home, especially suitable for the family to share meals together when there are many people during the festival. Great portion, great value for money. The filling is egg yolk lotus paste, there are 8 egg yolks in total, the taste is moist and not dry at all. The lotus seed paste is also very delicate and soft, very delicious.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 今年买的第二款月饼是元初食品的回家状元饼。原本打算过节当天吃,但被娃看到了,那必须立即开封😄 包装是很喜庆的大红,印着回家两个字。打开后还有卡片,印有一封家书,中秋的氛围感一下子就有了。 重点是这个月饼超级大,有家里盘子那么大,特别适合过节时人多的时候一家人一起分食。份量超足,性价比超高。 馅是蛋黄莲蓉,共有8个蛋黄,口感湿润,一点不干。莲蓉也很细腻绵软,挺好吃的。