# AddictiveAsianSnack # # 2022年中大促囤货指南 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation705baa4e 848d4dccba4f9602348e53d0 ## Happy order Happy life! ## 方家铺子# Compared with single polished rice, eight-treasure porridge rice with different grains can be said to be better in terms of health. The mixture of various grains brings different nutritional components. Eight-treasure rice contains high levels of vitamins, minerals and protein. Therefore, drinking porridge cooked with eight-treasure rice can nourish qi and blood, nourish the heart and calm the nerves. It can also effectively strengthen the brain, enhance memory, and strengthen the spleen and stomach. 方家铺子 produces eight-treasure porridge with excellent quality, complete and fresh grains of rice and beans, it is worth choosing!
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# AddictiveAsianSnack # # 2022年中大促囤货指南 # # 2022双节快乐 # # Happy order Happy life! # # 方家铺子 # 相比较单一的精大米,加入不同杂粮的八宝粥米可以说在健康度上要更胜一筹。 多种杂粮的混合带来不同营养成份组成,八宝米中含有的维生素与矿物元质以及蛋白质都很高,因此喝八宝米煮的粥能起到补益气血,养心安神的作用,还可以有效的健脑以及增强记忆力,健脾养胃。 方家铺子出品的八宝粥米,品质优秀,粒粒米豆完整新鲜,值得选择!