# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # Mid-Autumn Festival is coming Are the mooncakes ready? I'll eat it first as a tribute hahahahaha Tao Tao Ju Liuxin Custard Mooncake for 40 knives🤗🤗 The first is the design of the box, which is so beautiful and cute, the best choice for gifts. There are a total of 8 moon cakes, the kind that can be eaten one by one. There is no need to heat it, the inside is fluid, but it needs to be heated to have a milky fragrance. After eating one, I feel that the sweetness is just right, and I will get tired of eating another one. Not amazing, not particularly expensive, you can try it 🥰
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 中秋节快到了 月饼准备好了吗 我先吃为敬了哈哈哈啊哈哈 40刀拿下的陶陶居流心奶黄月饼🤗🤗 首先是盒子的设计,太好看了,很可爱的设计图,送礼的最佳选择。 一共有8个月饼,一口可以一个的那种。不用加热,里面就是流心,但要加热,才会有奶香味。吃完一个觉得甜度刚刚好,再吃个就会腻了。不至于惊艳,没有特别贵,可以尝试下🥰