#2022亚米开学季# The impression of traditional mooncakes is that the fillings are sweet and greasy. Could barely eat the whole thing! Now all kinds of moon cakes are emerging in endlessly, with exquisite packaging, Any flavor is available 😁 But my favorite filling is the lotus paste flavor! It just so happened that this mini mooncake with egg yolk and lotus paste from Daoxiang Village really hit my heart 😆 Not only is it small in size, the lotus seed paste inside is not too sweet, and the filling is salty Egg yolk embellishment, rich taste and delicious taste! Very satisfied! It's just right to eat one at a time, and it won't be wasted if you can't finish it, and it's served with a cup of tea 🍵 More comfortable! Really recommend it 👍 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon㊗️Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone‼ ️ #2022亚米月饼大赏#
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 对于传统月饼的印象就是内馅比较甜腻, 几乎吃不了一整个! 现在各种月饼更是层出不穷,包装精美, 什么口味都有😁 但我比较喜欢的内馅是莲蓉口味的! 刚好稻香村的这款蛋黄莲蓉迷你小月饼真是撞我心口上 了😆不仅体积小巧内馅莲蓉也不会太甜再加上夹心咸 蛋黄的点缀,口感丰富怡到好处的味道!非常满意! 一次吃上一个就很刚好也不会吃不完浪费,再配杯清茶 🍵更加愜意!真的非常推荐👍 马上就要到中秋节了㊗️大家中秋佳节快乐吖‼️ # 2022亚米月饼大赏 #