# 2022亚米开学季 # Cook well at the beginning of school. Cooking Daily 15: Mr. Lee's Beef Noodles. The mangy monkey's sauce beef recipe, without marinating the meat, cook it directly with beef brisket for 1.5 hours, and it's the taste of Mr. Li! All the spices used are bought by Yami! Yami's [Haitian Jiangnan Yellow Cooking Wine], [Lee Kum Kee Pork Ribs Sauce], various spices and [Xin Dongyang Knife Sliced Noodles]. It is really convenient to buy things directly at Yamibuy without going to Yachao.
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 开学也要好好做饭做饭日常15:癞皮猴李先生牛肉面。癞皮猴的酱牛肉方子,不腌肉,直接用牛腩肉煮1个半小时出来就是李先生的那个味!用的香料全都是亚米买的!亚米的【海天 江南黄料酒】、【李锦记 排骨酱】、各种香料和【新东阳 小刀削面】。不去亚超直接在亚米买东西是真的方便。