# 2022亚米开学季 # You should also cook well at the beginning of school. Everyday-baked potato chips made from barbecue ingredients. (I couldn't find the tag, so I put the tomato base tag of the same brand.) I just complained that this one is spicy and spicy, which is different from the barbecue that is picked out with garlic sauce in the northeast. And the overall package is really salty and spicy. When I made this, the amount of potato chips was a little less according to the package, and it turned out to be salty. It's delicious, but it's too salty. I was clever and decisively cut the potato chips into small pieces, roasted the Orleans chicken thighs into pieces, added lettuce rice and mixed them together to make a Northeast Bibimbap~ (25)
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 开学也要好好做饭日常-口味捞烧烤料做的烤土豆片。(tag搜不出来,我就放了同牌子的番茄底料tag)刚才吐槽过它家这个是麻辣口的,跟东北的用蒜蓉酱挑出来的烧烤不一样。而且整体料包真的很咸很辣,我做这个的时候土豆片是按照包装的量少了一点,结果齁咸。好吃倒是好吃,就是太咸了。聪明的我果断把土豆片切小块,烤了奥尔良鸡腿肉切块,加了生菜米饭拌在一起做成了东北的烤肉拌饭~(25)